Friday, November 9, 2007

Recipe Request

I had a request to post the recipe for the German-Style Pork Ribs listed on the dinner menu last night. They're a family favorite here in my house, and the best thing is that they're great for week night cooking, because you pretty much dump everything in a slow cooker and let it simmer all day. Here's the recipe:

German-Style Pork Ribs

Country Style Pork Ribs (however many will fit in your slow cooker)
16oz sauerkraut
1 cup brown sugar
2 tsp caraway seeds
1 tbsp salt
freshly ground pepper to taste

Add ribs to crock pot and put the sauerkraut (with any liquid it is packed with) on top of them. Pour the brown sugar over all, then add the caraway, salt and pepper. Cook covered on low all day. Good served with rice or noodles.

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